II Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

As I end the series of PLUS posts about praying for our secular leaders, I cannot leave this topic without a few posts on praying for our spiritual leaders as well.  After all, our pastors have a significant impact on our individual spiritual lives as they embrace a Biblical mix of truth and grace.  As they do, they have a significant impact on our nation.

America needs pastors who will stick to Biblical doctrine while resisting the temptation to conform to culture.  America needs pastors who will preach with passion while resisting the temptation to tone down their rhetoric.  America needs pastors with unwavering Biblical conviction while resisting the temptation to accept prevailing cultural convictions.  America needs pastors who will reprove and rebuke while resisting the temptation to avoid offending those who need correction.  America needs pastors who will exhort towards Christlikeness while resisting the temptation to accept spiritual mediocrity.  America needs pastors who are longsuffering while resisting the temptation to acquiesce when times get tough.

PLEASE PRAY FOR AMERICA’S PASTORS AS THEY PREACH THE WORD TO A NEEDY NATION.  A transformation of our nation is more likely to start from the pulpits of our church houses than from the podiums of our state houses.  We need those pulpits to be red hot for Christ.

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