Prayer is the least we should do and the most we can do to make an impact on our nation; it is our most basic Christian citizenship responsibility.

If you are alarmed at our national direction, set your alarm to pray for our nation.

PLUS Actions: Christian Americans take time daily at lunch to specifically pray for our nation and our leaders.

This is a decentralized movement with weekly prayer help posts. People are on their own to find ways to pray and encourage others to pray. The intent is for this movement to spread through word-of-mouth to pastors, friends, neighbors, coworkers, fellow students, fellow church members, children, and parents. The Prayer Meeting Revival of 1857 is the closest model of this movement – it is an example to follow in America today.

This is not a political group or an advocacy group – it is a group united by a common concern regarding the way our nation has drifted away from the Lord. It is a call for Christians to exercise their citizenship responsibilities to pray for our nation and her leaders, and to pray that the Lord will change our national heart so that He can change our national direction.

Supreme Prayer Actions: Christian Americans gather together weekly at institutions of significance in communities around the country to pray for our nation and our leaders and the needs of their community.

All Christians have a responsibility to be salt and light in our spheres of influence and realms of impact. We have been given the recipe for national revival in II Chronicles 7:14, and we need His people to start following it today. Unless you live in Washington DC, you don’t have the prayer venue of the Supreme Court that is available to you weekly. But, each of us has an institution of significance in our own community – a city hall, a county courthouse, a school, or a public library. And, we can meet there with a group of like-minded believers to pray weekly for our nation, our community, and our leaders.

How can someone implement Supreme Prayer?

  • Set a regular time to meet together at an institution of significance in your community.
  • Start your time together with a few songs of the faith.
  • Solicit prayer requests from those who have joined you about our nation, your community, and your church – have someone pray for these as a group.
  • Break up into small groups for follow-on prayer.
  • All the while, be sensitive to those who may be watching who could use an invitation to church, an explanation of what is happening, or a presentation of the gospel.

PLUS MOTIVATION — Official start: March 24, 2013

During my annual time of prayer, assessment, and goal setting at the end of 2012, I came to a shocking revelation about myself. Though I was a faithful Bible-believing Christian who loved America and served in the military for my entire adult life, I had failed to regularly pray for my country. For those many years, it was as if I thought that I could make more of a difference for the United States through my career than through my prayer. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, what America needs is daily, widespread, fervent prayer to change our national spirit so that the Lord can change our national direction.

At the beginning of January 2013, I began to pray specifically and regularly along these lines. While doing so, the Lord impressed upon me that I should do even more. In obedience to the Lord and in alignment with this burden, I have done so. Indeed, nearly every day since the first of February 2013 I have walked out of my office around lunchtime, found a place to pray, and prayed fervently for America. The few minutes that this has taken out of my day has only furthered this heart-felt, Christ-ordained burden.

It is likely that there are many others like me who love our country dearly, who are deeply concerned with our national direction, but who have failed to uphold our nation and her leaders in prayer. If so, I would encourage you to start now praying regularly and fervently. Join the PLUS concept – Prayer at Lunchtime for the United States; encourage others to join you. As American Christians at this point in our history, we are called “for such a time as this.”

— John

Supreme Prayer Motivation — Official Start: February 13, 2016

He was an unlikely candidate for ministry, but the day I saw Leslee Daniels walking toward me on that dirt road, I felt God say, “This is the guy.” Perhaps it was the dreadlocks, or the disheveled clothing, or the homemade cigarette tucked behind his ear, but he didn’t quite look like a preacher. I asked him to become my sports news announcer at our radio station in Papua New Guinea, and about a year later, Leslee accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Fast forward seven years on March 3, 2013, Preacher Les took the pulpit and began his message, “Arise, go to Ninevah, that great city, and cry against it…”

After weeks of praying and seeking counsel, God’s voice sounded like thunder. The answer was clear—I was to leave my beloved mission field and move to Washington, DC to “cry against” it. One of the many confirmations of this calling, God had used my “Timothy” in Papua New Guinea to declare it.

But, how does one “cry against” a city? This has been the quest of my life — and the lives of my dear family — for the past eight years. We started with a football in the park. Then a service on the Capitol lawn. I spent many hours walking the streets and witnessing as I was given opportunity. Regular church services began at a local art center in January 2015. Visits to congressional offices, singing and passing out tracts at metro stops, door to door canvassing— we “cried” any way we could think of.

On February 13, 2016 the news of the passing of late Justice Antonin Scalia reached our heavy hearts. One of the most conservative justices on the Supreme Court and a giant of constitutional law, he had bolstered a slim majority. How could we expect to hold any legal and moral ground if another liberal justice was appointed?

It was with this incredible sense of urgency we gathered on the frosty steps of the Supreme Court for the very first “Supreme Prayer” that Saturday night. We repented of the sins of our crumbling nation and begged God for mercy — and the miracle of another conservative justice.

We gathered again on February 20th. And on the 27th. Before we knew it, we had been praying at the Supreme Court for six years. Our numbers have grown. God has given us far more than we asked for — three conservative justices!  No greater evidence of their unprecedented significance was the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the victories for religious liberty in 2022.

Weekly prayer at the Supreme Court is another way to “cry against” this great city. Standing between the Capitol and the highest court in the land, we cry to God for mercy.

And, Pastor Les joined us for a Supreme Court Prayer Meeting in 2018. It seemed as if the calling had come full circle, though there is significant work that still needs to be done in prayer for our nation and our leaders.

— Brad