Acts 12:24 “But the word of God grew and multiplied.”

As our minds linger on the exponential growth of the church of Acts, please consider the following thought experiment regarding witnessing and discipleship:

  • On the first day of a month, a single witness goes out and leads a single person to Christ. That original witness also spends time discipling this new convert so that he is able to share his faith. By the end of this day, there are two Christians.
  • On the second day of a month, each Christian goes out, each leads a single person to Christ, and then disciples each of their new converts. By the end of this day, there are four Christians.
  • On the third and following days of the month this pattern is replicated.
  • By the end of the month, the number of new converts would exceed the total population of the United States.

How will a period of nationwide revival and repentance happen in America? It will happen if we are individually faithful to guard our testimonies, to share Christ, and to pray. It doesn’t take much to see the gospel spread. In fact, it only requires a single committed witness. It will be all the more powerful if we stand, share, and pray together.

PLEASE PRAY FOR AMERICAN CHRISTIANS TO BE FAITHFUL WITNESSES OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. A single witness is all that is required, but a nation of witnesses will succeed all much the more.

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