Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher that your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
I Corinthians 4:2 “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”
The American Revolutionary War began on April 19, 1775 in the skirmishes of Concord and Lexington in the colony of Massachusetts. John Adams wrote the following to Abigail about these monumental events shortly thereafter:
“It is Arrogance and Presumption in human Sagacity to pretend to penetrate far into the Designs of Heaven. The most perfect Reverence and Resignation becomes us. But, I can’t help depending upon this, that the present dreadful Calamity of that beloved Town is intended to bind the Colonies together in more indissoluble Bands, and to animate their Exertions, at this great Crisis in the Affairs of Mankind. It has this Effect, in a most remarkable Degree, as far as I have yet seen or heard. It will plead with all America, with more irresistible Persuasion, than Angels trumpet tongued.”
John Adams illuminates two vital spiritual truths in this short paragraph in the midst of their dreadful calamity. First, he reminds us that we cannot know the mind of God in the orchestration of human events. As God’s plans unfold around us, we are to avoid arrogance and presumption in thinking that we understand the workings of an Almighty God. Instead, we are to remain faithful in perfect reverence and resignation, realizing that His ways and His thoughts are far higher than ours. Second, we must know with surety and imagine with creativity that God’s workings are magnificent. He is the Master Composer and Conductor, crafting a perfect symphony though the individual notes at the time are unsure and uncertain. When we are tempted to fret about the situation around us, we must remember that He is masterfully working all things together for good.
In the midst of a situation in America in 2021 that seems at times like a dreadful calamity, we must similarly cling to these spiritual truths. First, as God’s plans unfold around us, we are to avoid arrogance and presumption in thinking that we understand the workings of an Almighty God. Instead, we are to remain faithful in perfect reverence and resignation, realizing that His ways and His thoughts are far higher than ours. Second, we must know with surety and imagine with creativity that God’s workings are magnificent. He is the Master Composer and Conductor, crafting a perfect symphony though the individual notes at this time are unsure and uncertain. When we are tempted to fret about the situation around us, we must remember that He is masterfully working all things together for good.
Please see the following prior posts on the events at Lexington and Concord:
NOTE: My next PLUS post will not be until June 19th. Enjoy your next few weeks, and please continue to faithfully and fervently pray for our nation and our leaders.