Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Adoniram Judson served faithfully in his adopted nation for nearly forty years. Especially in the early years of his Burmese ministry, prospects for success seemed dim and dreary. Yet, success in God’s calculus doesn’t mean fruit; instead, it means faithfulness. Using this metric, Judson was successful from the moment he set sail for Burma in 1812.

The faithful though weary Judson once said “I feel it is my duty to plog on while daylight shall last.” Sometimes, our faithfulness seems like we are plogging on. In today’s America, it is easy to grow weary in well doing as we are countered by secularism and ungodliness at every turn. Yet, in due season we shall reap if we faint not.

Like early nineteenth century Burma for Judson, there is daylight left in twenty-first century America for us. The nation is not yet consumed in total darkness. As long as there is a sliver of light left, then we must plog on. PLEASE PRAY FOR AMERICAN CHRISTIANS TO PLOG ON IN WELL DOING. We will reap, as long as daylight lasts and we remain faithful.

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