Exodus 32:8 “They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them:  they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.”

I discussed the following picture in my previous post:

In God We Trust

Yet in spite of our national motto, we have flipped the logic of trust on its head.  In today’s America we trust in everything but God.  Today, it is the Lord who must bring data to be trusted by a society who has made itself an array of molten calves in which to trust.  It is these calves that we credit with the positive qualities of our society.  It is these calves that we worship.  It is these calves unto which we sacrifice.  Our twisted memories reason that these be the gods which have brought us up out of our Egypt.  In doing so, we have clearly turned aside quickly out of the way which God commanded us.

Today, we trust in the calves of prosperity.  We trust in the calves of education.  We trust in the calves of globalization.  We trust in the calves of nationalism.  We trust in the calves of tolerance.  We trust in the calves of reason.  We trust in the calves of power.

In today’s American society, we trust in the calves of man’s philosophy.  We trust in the calves of a living Constitution.  We trust in the calves of a progressive mindset.  We trust in the calves of unbounded gratification.  We trust in the calves of a secular morality.  We trust in the calves of an accommodating doctrine.

We must trust in none other than the Lord our God!

PLEASE PRAY FOR A REPENTENT AMERICA TO FORSAKE THE MOLTEN CALVES THAT WE ERRANTLY TRUST.  We must take those calves and burn them in the fire and return to the One who is worthy of our trust.

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