Psalm 20:7 “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”

Peter Marshall, chaplain of the United States Senate during the 1940s, prayed the following:

“Bless this land that we love so much, our Father, and help her to deposit her trust, not in armies and navies, in wealth and material resources, or in achievements of the human mind, but in that righteousness which alone exalteth any nation, and by which alone peace can finally come to us.  This we ask in that name that is above every name, Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.  Amen.”

No matter the strength of a military, the size of an economy, the scale of an educational system, or the persuasiveness of a diplomatic corps, a nation cannot be great unless trust is placed in the One to whom all human constructs are subservient.  A deposit of trust in the Lord is the only wise investment.  Our trust in the Lord is the only way that our nation can be exalted once again.

At all times, we should pray for our leaders to recognize that they must place their trust in the Lord above all else.  During this election season, we must vote for leaders who already do.  PLEASE PRAY THAT AMERICAN LEADERS WOULD DEPOSIT THEIR TRUST IN GOD ALONE.  Without such a deposit, our investments will always underperform.

EXTRA THOUGHT:  This past Saturday I celebrated ten years of salvation.  Praise God!  The following is the link to an article I wrote five years ago outlining my testimony:

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