Job 42:12-13 “So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand asses. He had also seven sons and three daughters.”

As Christians, we need to have the long view of life. The results at the end are far more important than our position at the beginning. No matter where our paths take us, we must retain our trust in the LORD and maintain our sights on the end.

Job faced some extreme highs in life and some severe lows. From the perspective of select periods in his life it seemed as if he were a failure. Yet, he endured in prayerfulness and faithfulness. He retained his trust in the Lord and maintained his sights on the end. From the perspective of the entirety of his life, Job was a marvelous success.

As individual Christians, we may have select periods in our lives where we seem like failures. Yet, our sustained prayerfulness and faithfulness are what is required to be marvelous successes in God’s eyes.

Similarly as a nation, we are experiencing a period where we seem like a failed experiment. Yet, our sustained prayerfulness and faithfulness can allow us to successfully return to God.

PLEASE PRAY FOR AMERICA TO SEE GREATER BLESSINGS THAN EVEN THOSE IN OUR PAST. The latter end of America can still be more than its beginning.

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