Acts 6:10 “And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.”

Nathan Hale volunteered to be a patriot spy for General Washington behind enemy lines in New York City in September 1776.  The 21-year-old graduate of Yale was determined to “reflect and do nothing but what duty demands.”  Indeed, he did.  Yet, following an aggressive purging campaign during the great fire in lower Manhattan, the British apprehended Hale and sentenced him to death as a spy.  The next day, on September 22nd, Hale was led to an artillery park near General Howe’s headquarters to face the noose.

As a part of Hale’s last words, he gave a “sensible and spirited speech.”  Then, with the promise of a long life ahead extinguished, Hale shared the following famous words: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”  Upon that phrase, he was executed.

Nathan Hale spoke wisely and powerfully. Then, he unhesitatingly followed his words with action.  Both had a large impact on the cause of freedom in this land.

We need Christians who will speak up, with sensible and spirited words.  We need those words to be filled with the spirit and wisdom.  We then need Christians to follow through on our words with action, willing to sacrifice our lives and our livelihoods for the greater good.

PLEASE PRAY FOR AMERICAN CHRISTIANS TO BOLDLY SPEAK UP AND ACT OUT.  The cause of freedom depends upon us doing so.  We need to speak out with the power that our adversary cannot resist.

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