II Kings 6:17 “And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

As Captain Eric Brown spent the night at Grove Airfield waiting for the Allied Army to arrive (see previous post), he was worried that his small contingent of seven men would be ambushed during the night by the 2,000 Germans who had surrendered to him during the day. At about 10 pm, Captain Brown heard the rumblings of a loud mob and was sure that they were doomed. As it turned out, the local Danish villagers had heard about their fragile occupation and had come to protect them. Throughout the night, these 250 villagers sat several deep in a large circle surrounding Captain Brown and his men. As it turned out, the courage of a few British occupiers emboldened those who had been previously occupied by the Germans even though they were still vastly outnumbered.

Even when we are alone in occupied territory, we shouldn’t assume that we are truly alone. Maybe our realm of occupation is surrounded by the horses and chariots of God’s protection. Moreover, maybe our small steps of courage will embolden others around us even though we may be vastly outnumbered.

PLEASE PRAY THAT OUR FRAGILE OCCUPATION WOULD BE EMPOWERED BY GOD WHILE EMBOLDENING OTHERS. We may soon be fighting our battles with others round about us if we stay faithful.

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