Colossians 3:2 “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”

Exodus 20:3 “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

As I briefly mentioned in my previous post, my son got saved last week.  Though he is young, it became clear that he was ready to accept Christ based on a laser-like focus on his need for salvation.  Indeed, when he met us early Saturday with a Bible in his hand and a determined look on his face, his conviction was undeniable.  His affection was undoubtedly on things above.

American Christians have allowed so many things to crowd out the Lord as the preeminent object of our attention and affection.  Clamoring demands have damped our convictions.  While we may not admit it, idols are as prevalent today as the molten images of days past.  Sometimes they come in the form of fame, wealth, popularity, and promotion.  Sometimes they come in the form of possessions, raises, awards, and accolades.  They can entrap us as a part of our lives at school or at home; they can tempt us in our workplaces or our neighborhoods.  They can even ensnare us as a part of our families or our ministries.

Some are obvious, while some are insidious.  They become apparent based on the allocation of our time, our money, and our energy.  They are often evident by a glance at our day planners or our budgets.  They are always evident to the Lord by a glace at our hearts.  PLEASE PRAY THAT AMERICAN CHRISTIANS WOULD PURGE MODERN-DAY IDOLS FROM OUR LIVES.  As God’s children, whether newly saved or seasoned Christians, our affection should never be set on the things of this earth.  Instead, it should rightfully be on things above.