Luke 18:1 “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint”

One of the most despised acronyms in military flight training is S.I.E. – self-initiated elimination.  It is the official military phrase that describes the situation when someone decides to quit a formal training program.  Individuals S.I.E. for a variety of reasons:  the training is too difficult, they are not doing well, they are not willing to endure the decade-long commitment that will come with graduation, or they don’t enjoy the career field as much as they thought they would.

It is despised for several reasons, including the fact that it severs the camaraderie of trying to complete the year-long training program together as a class.  Yet, the primary reason it is abhorred is that an individual who S.I.E.s was given a great opportunity and failed to use it.  In fact, that individual took a spot in a competitive program that could have gone to someone else who would have appreciated the opportunity and seen it to its conclusion.

American Christians all around us are  In this case, I am not talking about quitting the faith or the church, though that is happening as well.  I am talking about the privilege we have to live in this nation at this time – for such a time as this – and how we are failing to pray as we should.  Indeed, we are seeing fellow Christians faint all around us.  Maybe true prayer has become too difficult for them.  Maybe they are not doing well in their life of faith.  Maybe they are not willing to endure our God-given commitment to pray for “kings and for all that are in authority.”  Maybe they aren’t enjoying the Christian life as much as they thought they would.

Make no mistake, American Christians have been given a spot that others around the world would rejoice in.  Your spot in this country at this time could have gone to someone else.  When we S.I.E., we are failing to live up to that privilege and that responsibility.

PLEASE PRAY AS WE SHOULD FOR THIS NATION AT THIS TIME.  When we S.I.E., then we quit on our comrades and more severely quit on God.

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