James 5:13-16 “Is any among you afflicted?  Let him pray. Is any merry?  Let him sing psalms.  Is any sick among you?  Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

In August 1982, President Reagan wrote a passionate letter to his seriously ill father-in-law, Loyal Davis, including the following:

“I want to tell you of a personal experience I’ve kept to myself for a long time.  During my first year as Governor you’ll recall the situation I found in Calif. was almost as bad as the one in Wash. today.  It seemed as if the problems were endless and insolvable.

Then I found myself with an ulcer.  In all those years at Warner Bros., no one had been able to give me an ulcer and I felt ashamed as if it were a sign of weakness on my part.  John Sharpe had me on Maalox and I lived with a constant pain that ranged from discomfort to extremely sharp attacks.

This went on for months. I had a bottle of Maalox in my desk, my briefcase and of course at home.  Then one morning I got up, went to the bathroom, reached for the bottle as always and something happened.  I knew I didn’t need it.  I had gone to bed with the usual pain the night before but I knew that morning I was healed.  The Maalox when back on the shelf.

That morning when I arrived at the office Helene brought me my mail.  The first letter I opened was from a lady – a stranger – in the Southern part of the state.  She had written to tell me she was one of a group who met every day to pray for me. Believe it or not, the second letter was from a man, again a stranger, in the other end of the state telling me he was part of a group that met weekly to pray for me.

Within the hour a young fellow from the legal staff came into my office on some routine matter. On the way out he paused in the door and said:  ‘Gov. I think maybe you’d like to know – some of us on the staff come in early every morning and get together to pray for you.’

Coincidence?  I don’t think so  A couple of weeks later Nancy and I went down to L.A. and had our annual checkup.  John Sharpe, a little puzzled, told me I no longer had an ulcer but added there was no indication I’d ever had one.”

President Reagan went on to share the gospel with Loyal who died 12 days later.

Today’s problems in government seem endless and insolvable.  Our leaders on both sides of the political aisle need miraculous physical, moral, and relational healing.  They need us to faithfully and fervently pray for them.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE HEALING OF OUR LEADERS IN THIS LAND.  No problem is endless and insolvable when we give the Lord control. According to Reagan, “we only have to trust and have faith in His infinite goodness and mercy.”