Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Of the demographic and moral composition of America, Benjamin Franklin wrote the following in Information to Those Who Would Remove to America after describing the hard work that is required by life in a new nation:

“Hence bad examples to youth are more rare in America; which must be a comfortable consideration to parents. To this may be truly added, that serious religion, under its various denominations, is not only tolerated, but respected and practiced. Atheism is unknown there, infidelity rare and secret; so that persons may live to a great age in that country without having their piety shocked by meeting with either an atheist or an infidel. And the Divine Being seems to have manifested his approbation of the mutual forbearance and kindness with which the different sects treat each other, by the remarkable prosperity with which He has been pleased to favour the whole country.”

Imagine such a brochure today, inviting people to relocate to a new nation. It sounds like paradise, though it is sadly a long lost description of the character of America. Instead, bad examples abound today. Serious religion is no longer universally practiced, respected, or tolerated. Atheism and infidelity are common. Our piety is regularly shocked. We treat others with disdain, neglecting mutual forbearance and kindness. Prosperity is waning.

We have lost the approbation and favour of the Divine Being.

Unity never meant acquiescence or approval. It never meant doctrinal compromise. It only meant respect and the ability to rally towards common purposes. In the midst of our mutual divisiveness, we have lost major political and moral ground to the atheists and the infidels in this land.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE TOLERANCE TO SET ASIDE MINOR DIFFERENCES AND RALLY TOWARDS THE MAJOR DETAILS THAT WILL SHAPE OUR FUTURE. America used to be a pleasant and prosperous land that pleased God and met with His approbation. Our myopic focus on small squabbles has caused us to miss the substantial shift away from God Himself.

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