I Cor 4:2 “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”

Faithfulness is God’s standard of measure, and what He seeks from those who are the stewards of His Christianity.  The Lord is responsible for the fruits of faithfulness, while we are only responsible for remaining faithful.  Regardless of the outcome of our efforts, the Lord is pleased with faithfulness.

Adoniram Judson, the Baptist missionary to Burma in the first half of the Nineteenth Century, faced several hardships on the mission field.  While his ultimate impact was substantial, it was not immediately evident.  Indeed, it took Judson six years to see his first soul saved.  Certainly, at any point during those six years he would have been seen as a failure by the world’s standards.  Yet, according to God’s standards he was a success even during that time because he remained faithful regardless of the circumstances.  In God’s time, He provided fruit.  The Lord could be assured that Judson would be a good steward of this fruit because he had shown himself faithful.

America needs Christians who remain faithful regardless of the circumstances.  The Lord seeks those who will remain faithful in the valleys and on the mountaintops, and we have done neither. He has entrusted us with a national Christian heritage, but we have failed to remain faithful in our stewardship.  How can we expect national revival if we cannot be trusted by demonstrating consistent faithfulness?  PLEASE PRAY THAT AMERICAN CHRISTIANS WOULD BE FAITHFUL STEWARDS REGARDLESS OF OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.  Once we are found faithful, then the magnitude of our stewardship is limited only by God’s greatness.